I spent most of my life actively disliking raisins. I recently bought a box of Rasin Bran Granola...and it has been yummy.
Loud noises are physically painful to me, but only certain frequencies. I am fine at a loud rock concert, but feedback will leave me begging for mercy.
I cry when I am excited.
The first genre of books I loved were mysteries.
I played the violin when I was in grade school, I have yet to find an instrument I loved playing as much as the violin. I had to stop because we moved, and my new school didn't have an orchestra program...just band. I picked up the flute instead. I hated it.
I took eight years of French, and was once fluent. I have a feeling if I needed to remember it I could.
Even when I straighten my hair...it curls!
I didn't start biting my fingernails until I was an adult...and I don't do it all the time.
The only reason I stopped sucking on my finger at night is because I got braces on my teeth.
I was born with my feet turned in, pigeon toed, I had to wear special shoes to straighten my feet. My legs got turned out too far which is part of why my right knee and hip are a mess. Made for all kind of awesome when I was in ballet though. ;)
I love to bake...but I hardly ever bother.
I needlepoint naughty sayings. I have been working on one and off that says "Merry Fuckin' Christmas"
I hardly ever finish projects that I start.
When I was in junior high and high school and even part way into college I was an extremely prolific writer. I rarely write anymore. The stuff I wrote then is bloody awful!
There are poems in my poetry notebook, written during nervous breakdowns, that I don't remember writing. But I know they are mine cos they have my name and the dates they were written on them. There is one that has neither my name or a date on it...I am not 100% sure that I wrote it, so I don't show that one to anybody, in case it's not mine.
I broke my back once, I don't know when. I have two theories on when it happened. Apparently my pain tolerance is that high...so when I bitch about being in pain I bloody well mean it!
I loved ice skating when I was a kid. We lived across the street from a pond that froze. I ice skated every day. I still miss it, even though it has been over 20 years.
Christmas is my favourite holiday even though I am usually depressed and it holds no religious meaning for me.
My first Doctor was Tom Baker...when I was just a little kid.
My favourite Doctor is David Tennant
I remember exactly where I was when I found out John Lennon had been killed.
I still hate the San Diego Padres for beating the Chicago Cubs in the 1984 NLCS
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